Where is Walk-In Care located?
Walk-In Care is located at the Holland Hospital Medical Building in Zeeland along with Family Medicine, Radiology and Lab Services. This means you can enjoy one-stop convenience without traveling elsewhere for X-rays or lab work.
Who can use Walk-In Care?
Walk-In Care is open for all area residents regardless of which primary care provider you have, or if you don’t currently have a primary care provider.
When is Walk-In Care open?
Walk-In Care is open Monday – Friday 7 AM – 6 PM and Saturday 7 AM – Noon.
Does Walk-In Care accept insurance?
Walk-In Care is covered by most insurance plans and typical co-pays and deductibles will apply. Check with your insurance plan provider if you have questions about your particular health coverage.
What health needs are treated at Walk-In Care?
Walk-In Care is similar to a primary care office visit without an appointment. It provides treatment for minor illness and health concerns that are typically seen by a primary care provider – such as cold and flu, coughs, earaches, nausea, sinus infections, sore throats, urinary tract infections and more. Walk-In Care also offers X-rays and lab testing on site as well as sports physicals, flu shots and Tdap vaccine.
As always, it is best to first check with your primary care providers office to see if you can be seen there. All Holland Hospital primary care providers offer same day appointments and may be able to see you as well. If not, Walk-In Care may be a convenient care option for you.
What is meant by “coordinated care”?
Coordinated care means that the medical providers who care for you keep good track of your care needs and treatment and are able to confidentially share information to ensure you receive the best care possible and stay healthy for a lifetime. Your primary care provider typically takes the lead role in coordinating your care but they depend on good information and communication from other medical services you use. That’s why Holland Hospital Walk-In Care makes coordinated care a high priority through effective record-keeping, communication and follow-up with your primary care provider.
How is Walk-In Care different from Urgent Care?
Urgent Care offers a wider scope of services than Walk-In Care including treatment for broken bones. Urgent Care also has physicians trained in emergency medicine and is prepared to treat moderate injuries that do not require an ER visit.
That said, most minor health concerns can be treated at either Walk-In Care or Urgent Care. So you still have a choice of where to go depending on your health need and what is most convenient for you.
It is important to remember that you should call 911 immediately and go to the nearest hospital emergency room if you or someone you know is experiencing a life-threatening condition such as heart attack, stroke or severe injury.