Holland Hospital

One in 20 people will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. Most likely, each person will have different causes for their set of symptoms, whether it’s fear, sleeping issues, trembling, poor concentration or other symptoms of anxiety.

A variety of aliments can generate anxious feelings, such as your:

• mind-body connection or body chemistry (perhaps, anxiety is genetic),
• past experiences (trauma or how your parents dealt with stress, influence how you handle stressful situations), and

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Early detection of breast cancer can save your life. Knowing your risks is part of early detection, and so is a regular mammogram screening. A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast used to detect and diagnose breast cancers, benign tumors and cysts before being found through a self or clinical breast exam. If mammography raises significant suspicion, your doctor may request a biopsy of the tissue.   

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Bones weaken with age in both men and women. Since menopause temporarily accelerates bone loss, women usually see the greatest decline in bone density in the years immediately after menopause. Because older bone cells break down faster than new ones are built, women are at a greater risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures. 

There are important steps you can take – before menopause occurs – that will help boost bone health. 

Make bone health an early priority

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Midlife wellness includes breast health awareness, meaning it’s time to start scheduling annual mammograms – if you haven’t already. Not only can mammograms help detect breast cancer, but can determine whether you have dense breasts. For women with dense breast, an annual mammogram may not be enough. 

Breasts are comprised of fibrous, glandular and fatty tissue. When you have dense breasts, there’s an increased amount of fibrous or glandular tissue, but not much fat. While density may decrease with age, there is little, if any, change of density in most women. 

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