Healthy Life Articles

If you have elbow pain with throwing, there are things that a player can do. The most obvious treatment for overuse is rest, especially from the activity that created the injury. Icing the area also helps to reduce soreness and inflammation. And Ibuprofen can also help with any pain. If symptoms persist, it is important to contact a physician for an examination, to determine if X-rays or an MRI scan is warranted, especially if the player lacks full-joint motion.

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May is Mental Health Month: You can help end the stigma about mental illness

Just imagine what it would be like to suffer with a debilitating health problem and be afraid to seek treatment or even tell a family member about your condition because you fear they won’t understand. This would be a very lonely experience.

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In 2016, more than 200 cases of Lyme disease were reported in Michigan. Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which is carried by Deer ticks, and is the most common tick-borne illness in the U.S.

Two different types of ticks make up over 90% of the tick population in Michigan: the American dog tick (75%); and the Black-legged tick, or more widely known as the Deer tick, (15%).

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Sweet, glorious spring! It’s that time of year again when the snow is finally gone and everything comes alive once more. You may not get as jazzed for fresh produce as I do, I am a dietitian after all, but I am looking forward to all the spring produce Michigan has to offer – produce like radishes, spring greens, asparagus, strawberries, rhubarb and fresh herbs. What’s more, beginning May 17th, you can find many of these seasonal produce items, and more, at our local Holland Farmers Market from 8 am to 3 pm every Wednesday and Saturday!

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Paying Your Medical Bill—Now as Easy as Point, Click, Done

At Holland Hospital, our goal is to put our patients first. For 100 years, you and your neighbors have counted on us to deliver care that’s not only compassionate and cutting edge, but also convenient. That’s why, with the introduction of, we’re now making paying for the care you receive easier than ever before.

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No one purposefully sets out to have problems when they begin to use alcohol. But excessive alcohol consumption is a risk factor for many health and social problems and is the third leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.

Problem drinking can develop suddenly in response to a genetic predisposition or a stressful life change. Or it can creep up gradually as a person’s tolerance to alcohol increases.

The bottom line is how alcohol affects you. If drinking is causing problems in your life it’s likely you have a problem with your use of alcohol.

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The term “pink eye” refers to ocular redness caused by inflammation to the eye or its surrounding tissues, such as the eyelids and the membrane lining the inner recesses of the eyelids (conjunctivae). Also known as conjunctivitis, this inflammation is usually the result of infection (most common) or other conditions such as allergies, injury or chemical irritation. 

Pink eye is the most common eye (ocular) infection of childhood. It may occur at any age. When the cause is from infection it is considered highly contagious to others who come into contact with these individuals.

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This is part one of three part series on throwing injuries.

Risk is part of sports. Some injuries can happen in sports no matter what precautions are taken; however, most throwing injuries to the elbow are preventable. As a sports medicine physician, I hate seeing these injuries because in many cases they can be avoided by following well established guidelines.

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As you are cleaning out your closets this spring it’s a great time to take note of that great big closet in your mind. It’s where we store a lot of habits in the way that we think about life, the world around us and ourselves. In our closets we are apt to find things that just don’t fit well anymore. This can also be true about the closet in our mind.

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