Healthy Life Articles

Walking pneumonia, (also referred to as atypical pneumonia) results from an infection in the lungs with signs and symptoms that often resemble other respiratory infections, quite similar to a cold. It is fairly common throughout the United States and is caused by a bacterium called Mycoplasma pneumonia. There are different kinds of pneumonia representing varying degrees of severity, but walking pneumonia falls into the least serious kind. Many people may think they just have a viral respiratory infection and don’t realize they have it.

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This month, let’s talk about a way to more consciously harness brain power. We’ve talked before about mindfulness meditation and how it can improve the experience of sex by enhancing your ability to pay attention to the present moment and reduce mental distractions. Studies have shown that when you practice mindfulness over a period of time, it actually creates observable, measurable change in the brain.

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In this month of the heart as we think of those we love it is important to include some special regard for ourselves too.

Our lives after all include plenty of difficult or painful times that challenge us. We are imperfect beings and make plenty of mistakes that we have to face as well. Life doesn’t always go the way we plan.

Having compassion for ourselves is a way we honor the reality of our very humanness and give ourselves permission to be the imperfect beings that we are.

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February is American Heart Month, and much of this month will be spent talking of heart wellness and prevention of heart disease. Heart attacks remain a leading cause of mortality in both men and women. Because heart disease is so prevalent, knowing what to do and being prepared to act could save a life.

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Heart disease is a sobering reminder of mortality. After a heart attack or surgery, you live with a new reality. Maybe you’re faced with dietary restrictions or lifestyle changes or a new pharmaceutical regimen. Probably you’re more conscious of your breathing and your heart rate. With all the preoccupations and adjustments that accompany heart disease, sex can become a low priority. Maybe you’re afraid that intercourse will damage your newly fragile heart or actually trigger a heart attack. Or maybe it’s hard even to be interested in sex.

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It’s pretty common to consider taking care of our physical health but what about our mental health? That’s not as common, but in reality taking care of our mental health can have a huge impact on how we manage our physical health and times of stress.   

Because mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being it affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.

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Many women that are fabulously 40 and over frequently disregard mid-life care because they are too busy tending to their families, their career and their aging parents. However, at this stage in your life, it’s crucial to reflect on your health and discuss your family history and any lifestyle habits that can jeopardize your health. Creating a good wellness plan with your health care provider can minimize dangerous health risks that set the stage for serious disease later on in your life.

Heart Disease

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There are a variety of injuries that can occur to our skin and other soft tissues, like the mouth and tongue, which may require professional care. There can also be injuries to underlying tissues, including adipose tissue (fat), muscles and tendons, and sometimes ligaments and bone. Numerous blood vessels (arteries and veins) and important nerves throughout these layers can be injured as well. Our focus in this segment is to help our readers identify when a soft tissue wound needs sutures or more in-depth care, as opposed to simple home treatment.

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