Healthy Life Articles

As a menopause care specialist, I hear almost daily from women who are surprised that sex is painful or less satisfying. Their stories vary, but the theme is the same: “I thought having reached this point in my life— empty nest, career success or retirement— my partner and I could enjoy intimacy in a new, more leisurely way. But my body has betrayed me!”

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Also referred to as ‘the super bug,’ MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a type of bacteria that is more difficult to treat than other bacterial infections because of its resistance to many typically used antibiotics. Read on to learn the: what, who, where, why and how of MRSA and be informed to stay protected 

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Depression is an illness that affects your thoughts, feelings, behavior and physical health. It is different than being sad or “down-in-the-dumps” because depression is a chemical change or imbalance, which occurs in the brain. It also can last for extended periods of time and interferes in daily life.

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The pelvic floor has become a hot topic lately—common on the internet, talk show chatter and among friends, but what does it mean? The pelvic floor is a group of muscles covering your entire perineum (or bottom)—from pubic bone to tailbone and sit bone to sit bone. It’s located at the base of the pelvis and plays an important role in supporting your spine and organs and controlling urine flow, the bowels and sexual satisfaction! Not a small job for a group of muscles that is typically ignored.

So how do we find these muscles?

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The American Cancer Society has released new guidelines for Mammogram Screenings. We know you’ve likely read a lot about it. I thought I’d hand it over to our old friend and writer Julie, a longtime MiddlesexMD blogging pal, who has breasts of her own and some thoughts to share.

Bottom line—understand your family history and know your risks and how your risk of risk of developing breast cancer can change from year to year. 


Guideline Headlines!!! Okay girls! Grab them and run! But which way! When? Where? But wait!!! No!

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Years of leading Tobacco Free programs for Holland Hospital’s Healthy Life Programs have adjusted my high hopes of graduating big classes of “quitters” to the reality that just a trickle will show up ready to do the legwork required to abstain from tobacco. At a recent brainstorming session to tackle new programming ideas, one co-worker voiced the truthful blow: "quitting smoking is just not sexy!”

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Yes, dryness is generalized in menopause, because the estrogen receptors we have from head to toe (and especially in genital tissues) have far-reaching influence! As we lose estrogen, we lose moisture in all kinds of tissues. Systemic estrogen is a possible solution; it can make remarkable improvement.

Systemic hormones are prescription hormone supplements to replace hormones we've lost. We can lose hormones in a variety of ways:

•    Premature menopause brought on by the surgical removal of ovaries

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