Healthy Life Articles

I spend most of my working hours at a place called Healthy Life Programs. For a person interested in her personal wellness, there couldn’t be a better environment for me. “Good Health” is in full swing around here. If you walk through our office, you’ll notice a nice kitchen with a full-size fridge. Open that fridge and you WON’T see sugary drinks, lots of sweet desserts, bags of take-out, or highly processed foods. You WILL see a glut of salad greens, multiple containers of low-fat yogurt and whatever fruit was on sale this week, and crisper drawers stuffed with fresh produce.

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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a common disorder that up to 40% of women of childbearing age experience. It causes emotional, behavioral and physical disruptions during the one to two weeks before the start of a menstrual cycle. The most common symptoms include: fatigue, irritability, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness and depression. It may also be the reason for anxiety, anger, crying spells, swelling, food cravings, cramping, and lower back pain during that time of the month.

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In our last blog, we defined and described signs, symptoms and initial evaluation of concussions. This month, we’ll talk about treatment, activity restrictions and prevention of head injuries. To summarize, concussion is a mild brain injury resulting from a sudden, significant force upon the head or upper body which results in headache and a variety of alterations in a person mental processing. A concussion is a clinical diagnosis. In other words, it is made based upon a history and examination. Sometimes a CT scan and other studies are necessary to rule out more serious conditions.

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As any hearty Michigander will tell you, we often live for the warmer months. When the winds of winter give way to the softer, more forgiving breezes of spring, Michiganders pour from their homes to soak in the warming sunshine and enjoy the many amazing wonders that our state has to offer. During the long, cold winters I often incredulously ask myself, “why is it that I live here again!?” but then winters eventually turn into spring, glorious summers, and beautiful falls, and, once again, I receive my annual reminder of the splendors of the mitten state.

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So my medical journals are telling me, AGAIN, that I need to eat better and keep moving. Gee, folks, thanks for the news! But I rarely receive such specific advice as I have these past few weeks. They have handed me very, very clear directions:

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As warmer weather approaches, we become more physically active, especially outdoors. It's also a time that emergency departments and urgent care centers are treating more head injuries.

Head injuries occur in all ages. The vast majority (80%) of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are mild. Forces which cause head injuries may be (direct) from a sudden direct blow to the head, or (indirect) from forces such as sudden acceleration/deceleration which results in movement of the brain inside the skull. Either type of injury can result in a concussion.

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The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, of course! 

Put on your party hats! The new 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) is here!! Now I’m sure you’re probably not quite as excited for the eighth edition of these national nutrition guidelines as I am, but there are some interesting changes to take note. 

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Blood pressure is the intensity with which blood pushes against the walls of the arteries. It is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) while the heart is beating (systolic pressure) and when the heart is resting (diastolic pressure). A blood pressure reading is written like a fraction and shows the systolic pressure over the diastolic pressure.

A healthy person has a blood pressure level lower than 120/80 mmHg. A person with high blood pressure or hypertension has a blood pressure level at or above 140/90 mmHg.

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From a sports-related incidence to stumbling on uneven ground, a twisted, sprained or broken ankle happens quickly and causes plenty of pain. Most ankle injuries don’t involve fractures or dislocated joints, but nonetheless are painful and produce serious swelling at the injury site.

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In an ideal world, we’d all love our bodies exactly as they are. We’d love our little muffin tops for the reminder of all the ice cream sundaes we’ve shared with a best friend, our marshmallow tummies for the children we carried, and our pancake boobs for making bras (practically) pointless.

But we don’t live in an ideal world, and the way we perceive our bodies affects how we feel about having sex. We probably all have personal experience with this, and research backs it up.

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