Healthy Life Articles

The holiday season is complicated. While fun and festive for many, this time of year isn’t a carefree and happy time for everyone. For some, the holidays can trigger stress, anxiety and depression. In fact, a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) study found 64% of people with mental illness report worsening symptoms during the holiday season.


So what can you do to combat negative feelings and lift your spirits? Licensed medical social worker Rhonda Broek, Holland Hospital Behavioral Health Services, offers these tips:


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According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), more than 10% of the population has diabetes, and each year, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with this chronic disease. While the statistics are alarming, there's a lot someone with diabetes can do to live a healthier, longer life.

Whether you've just been diagnosed, are at high risk for complications or need a refresher on how to control your blood sugar, Holland Hospital can help you manage your diabetes‚ instead of letting it manage you.

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You might know the signs of stroke, but did you know this debilitating, potentially life-threatening event has a gender bias? According to the American Stroke Association, stroke claims the lives of more women than men.

A woman’s elevated stroke risk may be related to a variety of factors, including:

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