Healthy Life Articles

Some of the best memories I have as a student athlete are team dinners the night before big basketball games or track meets. As a former sprinter, I would relish the opportunity to load up on spaghetti and breadsticks. Loading up on the right amount of carbs and protein can give athletes an advantage on the field.

Fast forward to my life now as a dietitian with a passion for working with current student athletes, and I realize the silliness of my carb loading, especially given the fact I sprinted for maybe 90 seconds at the average meet. 

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If you have diabetes, you’re far from alone. In fact, one in 11 people in the United States has this chronic disease. Despite the statistics, there’s a lot you can do to better manage your diabetes. It's all about diabetes education.

While living with diabetes is far from easy for anyone, education is an important and valuable first step. From checking blood sugar to counting carbs to watching for signs of potential complications, this disease demands diligence. That’s why diabetes self-management education can be such a powerful tool. 

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Headaches are one of the most common reasons patients go to see their physician or seek help at an urgent care or emergency department. There are numerous causes for headaches, too many to cover in a short blog. Our focus here is to learn how to recognize when a severe headache might indicate something more serious—something that deserves or requires prompt attention.

Identifying characteristics that we refer to as “Red Flags” can help distinguish routine headaches from more serious ones, such as:

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When I started working at Holland Hospital thirty-some years ago, I never thought much about retirement. Today I sit in my office just after turning 61, and the end of my career will actually be in my rearview sooner rather than later.

Somehow it all happened in the blink of an eye. While the thought of my retirement is exciting, it doesn’t come without worry, and yes, even some fear mixed with sadness. After all, this is entirely new territory. A brand new chapter.

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While the changing of seasons makes living in Pure Michigan idyllic, fall and winter can also bring a hidden danger with them. This time of year, we too often read or hear the sad news of someone suffering or dying from carbon monoxide poisoning.

What is carbon monoxide?
Carbon monoxide (or CO) is an odorless, invisible gas that can kill you or make you very sick. The longer your exposure to CO, the more concentrated and deadly it becomes.

Where is carbon monoxide found?

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You can't escape it! Every day we are bombarded with the "latest and greatest" diet trends, each claiming to provide amazing, and more often, unrealistic results. With 71% of Americans overweight or obese it's no wonder that the "weighty" business of weight loss has swelled to a $66.3 billion industry. But with all this money being thrown towards the diet du jour, why aren't people losing weight?! It turns out, many are, but not from a one-size-fits-all approach.

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Does it take a lot more than Marvin Gaye and a dozen roses to get you “in the mood?” Loss of sexual desire is common in women, especially those who are approaching (or are already in) menopause. In fact, research shows that at least 30 to 50 percent of women experience some sort of sexual dysfunction.

So what gives? For one, changing hormones can cause your spontaneous desire to free fall. A quick lowdown on the hormones that can affect your sex drive: 

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A sinus infection (sinusitis) occurs when viruses or bacteria infect or inflame the sinuses (often during a cold). Our body’s response causes the sinus lining to swell, trapping fluids in the sinuses and allowing germs to grow. Mucus and pus fill up the nose and sinus cavities causing significant congestion, pain and pressure in the face, head or around the eyes.  

The provides a nice illustration of healthy sinuses and the blocked regions here.

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It’s time to get back in the groove and hustle that comes with the start of a new school year.

Between homework, extra-curricular activities and earlier bedtime routines, packing lunches can become a chore, but here are a few quick, easy and healthy ideas for lunches that even the pickiest eaters will love.

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