Volunteer Resources Application

What Volunteer Opportunities are you interested in?
* Indicates that volunteers must be 18 years and older
Morning Availability
Afternoon Availability
Evening Availability
Contact Information
Are you 18 years of age or older?
College Information (If Applicable)
College Address if applicable. House # and street as well as dorm and room #
Educational Information
Are you attending classes now?
Name and location of school
High School Graduate?
College / University Graduate?
Emergency Information
Re-order Name of Organization Type of Work From (approximately) To (approximately) Weight Operations
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Re-order Name of Organization Type of Work From (approximately) To (approximately) Weight Operations
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Personal References

Family members are not acceptable references. By submitting this application, you grant the Volunteer Resources Office permission to contact your references. Criminal background checks will also be performed on applicants ages 18 and over.

Re-order Name Phone Email Relationship Weight Operations
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Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony?
Are you volunteering to satisfy school-required community service?
We require a minimum of 50 hours of service.
* Please be aware that no court ordered community service will be accepted. Applicants with misdemeanors within the past 5 years or felonies within the last 10 years will not be considered. *