Healthy Life Articles

A quick walk outdoors or a few moments spent sitting in the sun can be a shortcut to feeling better quickly. In fact, time spent outside is so beneficial to our overall health that doctors are starting to give patients “nature prescriptions”, a specific amount of time the doctor instructs a patient to spend enjoying the outdoors. 

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How can a good care transition team make a difference for hospitalized patients?

While a hospital stay can be a stressful event, leaving the hospital can also feel overwhelming. The transition to home can be particularly challenging as patients and their families take over the responsibility of care coordination. Plus, there’s likely new information and medications to navigate, as well as follow-up appointments with doctors and specialists that require scheduling.

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As the warm spring weather coaxes people to lace up their running shoes or break out their baseball gloves, its important to take steps to prevent common sports injuries like sprains, strains, dislocations or bone fractures. 

Injuries are part of playing sports,'' says Matthew Hilton, DO, board-certified family medicine and sports medicine physician at Holland Hospital. But we can do a lot to prevent them.”

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Nearly half of millennials, the generation born between 1981 and 1996, do not have an established relationship with a go-to doctor. A recent survey conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 45% of adults age 18 to 29 reported having no primary care physician. 


Studies have shown that patients who have good relationships with their doctors tend to have better health outcomes. A strong doctor-patient relationship builds honesty, trust and open communication that enable a doctor to provide quality personal care. 


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Giving birth is a life-changing event. Newborn babies require an incredible amount of time and attention. It can be easy for new mothers to forget the importance of taking care of themselves, too. At the Boven Birth Center, the care team knows they do not have just one patient, but two.


“Our focus is always on both mom and baby,” said Emily Fynaardt, MSN and Clinical Nurse Manager at Boven Birth Center.


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Most of us probably take blood clotting for granted. But when a blood clot doesn’t dissolve, it can become dangerous—sometimes even deadly.

While you can develop a blood clot in just about any blood vessel in your body, clots are most likely to affect one of your legs, resulting in a condition known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). If a clot breaks free from a vein in the legs and travels to the lung arteries, it can block blood flow and lead to a pulmonary embolism.

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The midlife transition can cause more than just crow’s feet or laugh lines. Aging happens to all of us, and for millions of women, growing older can also affect their pelvic and sexual health.

Fortunately, women have access to the area’s leading women’s health expert and the newest vaginal treatment technology––right here, close to home.  

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